ISA RC50 Interim Conference 2025
Location & Dates: Fujisawa, Japan 19-22 June 2025
The Research Committee on International Tourism (RC50) of the International Sociological Association proposes an opportunity for those involved in the interdisciplinary social science of national/international tourism to engage with a plethora of salient human rights issues in tourism studies and thereby develop possible pathways for action and research on those subjects. The RC50 Team will organise a spectrum of sessions devoted to both empirical and conceptual studies on these subjects vis-à-vis travel, tourism, hospitality and events at the coming interim conference.
The RC50 Team invites sessions which adopt or further a social/cultural studies orientation to tourism, hospitality and events in the following subfields:
Authoritarian regimes
Gender and work in Asian economies
Discourse and power relations
Human rights and tourism education
“Truth” and power
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Human rights issues in mega events
Labour and Employment
Matters of methods, identifying and assessing human rights risks
Decent work
Human and non-human welfare
Dignified work
Food, gastronomy
Fair work
Tourism with animals
The future of work
Migrant work
Rural revitalisation
Labour politics
Contribution to cultural practices
Informal labour
Narratives of tourism employees
Framing acts
Popular culture
Disasters and recovery
LGBTQ+ and non-binary identities
Language – lingua franca
Queering places
Freedom of travel and residence
Designing urban spaces
Accessible tourism
Gender and culture
Population movement
The women’s movement
Migration to rural areas
Multi habitation
Feminist in the field
Conflict-ridden destinations
Gender and political discourse
Silenced voices
Discourses of othering
Borderlands and walls
Tourism and the power of representations
Social (in)justice in tourism
Agency and authority in the representations of peoples, places, pasts and presents
Recovery and resilience
The power of tourism: contested representations of people and places
Dark heritage
Symbolic violence
Oppression in domination
Climate justice
A disciplinary, bio-power, and sovereign power
Power of resistance & decolonisation of knowledge
Practitioners and researchers from all countries and all faculties are cordially invited to submit proposals to organise sessions/workshops/panels under these particular (sub)headlines. Generally, the conference will carry on with the recent traditions of multi, trans-, and post-disciplinary avenues to national and international tourism. Besides these nominated topics, other topics that contribute to the sociology of tourism are also welcome. For each session, a chairperson is needed so that the Interim Conference Team appreciates it if the offered proposals are accompanied by an indication of who the chair for the session would be.
The deadline for session proposals is 4 JUNE 2024. Please send your proposals with a brief statement and preferably also a list of colleagues interested in the subject matter to:
Erdinç Çakmak Cakmak.e@buas.nl
Rami K. Isaac Isaac.r@buas.nl.